Grade 4 Science: Things Wrong with the Shadow
Two Things Wrong with the Shadow
Correct Response
Identifies an error in BOTH the direction/angle and the pose of the
shadow of the man.
- Examples:
- The shadow should have the man raising one hand. The shadow
should be opposite the sun.
- The position of the shadow is wrong. The shape of the shadow is wrong.
- The man has his arm out and the shadow has it on his hip. The shadow
is on the side facing the sun.
Partial Responses
Identifies only the direction/angle of the shadow of the man. [No mention
of the pose.]
- Examples:
- The shadow is on the wrong side of the man. The hill has
a bump, but its shadow has a curve.
Identifies only the pose of the shadow of the man. [No mention of the
- Examples:
- He put out his hand, but the shadow did not show it
right. His other hand is straight but the shadow is not.
Incorrect Responses
Response too vague.
- Examples:
- The shadow of the man. The shadow of the hill.
- The hands. The head.
Incorrect (including crossed out/erased, stray marks, illegible or
off task)
- Examples:
- He has no hair. He has no face.
- Other incorrect
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