PIRLS 2001 International Press Conference
The PIRLS International Study Center, in the
Lynch School of Education at Boston College, released results
for the 4th grade reading achievement in 35 countries.
With approximately 150,00 students surveyed,
PIRLS is one of the largest international assessments of reading
literacy. The PIRLS report provides reliable and timely
data within an international context, said PIRLS International
Study Directors Ina V.S. Mullis and Michael O. Martin of Boston
College. The reading achievement results present each country
with an opportunity to examine educational policies and practices
against a globally-defined benchmark, while the report also contains
rich information about children's early literacy experiences and
reading instruction. Shown at right, from top: Dr. Hans
Wagemaker (Executive Director, IEA), Dr. Ina V.S. Mullis and Dr.
Michael O. Martin (Co-Directors of the TIMSS/PIRLS International
Study Center).
here to download the press packet, including Highlights, Exhibits,
and Release, as a zip archive file (1MB).
2001 International Reports released on April 8th, 2003
here to order or download the publications.
Plans for PIRLS 2006
Countries are encouraged to enroll now for
PIRLS 2006. For those countries that participated in PIRLS 2001,
PIRLS 2006 will measure trends in reading literacy achievement.
PIRLS 2006 will also provide baseline data for new countries.
The schedule of activities for PIRLS 2006 begins with the first
NRC meeting in September 2003. Instrument development and field
test activities will be carried out between October 2004 and April
2005. Data collection for the main survey has been scheduled for
The PIRLS International Study Center presented
a progress report on PIRLS 2001 and revealed plans for PIRLS 2006
at the 43rd IEA General Assembly meeting held in Marrakech, Morocco
October 710, 2002.
here for a PDF version of the complete presentation to the
IEA General Assembly.
PIRLS 2001 Publications Available