Research Coordinators
Each country participating in PIRLS appoints a National Research
Coordinator (NRC) who carries out the study in the country,
in accordance with the international procedures and standards.
The NRC is responsible for selecting the school sample, collecting
the data, conducting scoring and data entry, and preparing
a national report of the study results. The ISC convenes the
NRCs several times a year to discuss and review the study
design, procedures, and instruments, and to conduct training
activities. |
Study Center
at Boston College
International Study Center is responsible for the overall
design, development, and implementation of PIRLS. This includes
establishing the procedures, overseeing instrument development,
conducting training and carrying out quality assurance measures.
The ISC also conducts analyses and releases the study results
in an international report and user database. PIRLS 2001 is
directed by Dr. Ina V.S. Mullis and Dr. Michael O. Martin. |
IEA Secretariat in Amsterdam, the
Netherlands, provides overall support for PIRLS and is responsible
for coordinating the translation verification of the PIRLS
assessment instruments and recruiting quality control monitors.
Data Processing Center
in Hamburg, Germany works with the participating countries
to plan for their within-country data entry activities, is
responsible for processing and verifying the data from all
of the countries, and constructs the international database. |
The Special Surveys Methods
Group of Statistics Canada in Ottawa, Canada, is responsible
for all sampling activities in PIRLS, including developing
the sampling procedures and documentation, and assisting participants
in adapting the PIRLS sampling design to local conditions. |
Foundation for Educational Research
in England and Wales NFER, in Slough, England, had major responsibility
for developing the PIRLS reading literacy test, including
collecting reading passages from the participating countries
and developing items and scoring guides. |
Testing Service (ETS)
ETS contributed significantly to the development of the
PIRLS framework and the reading assessment. ETS also provided
software and support for scaling the PIRLS achievement results.