TIMSS 2023 Assessment Frameworks

The volume containing the TIMSS 2023 Assessment Frameworks is now available for download from the TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center website. It outlines the mathematics and science topics that will be assessed among fourth and eighth grade students in TIMSS 2023, as well as plans for collecting contextual data and the assessment design. The TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center staff worked collaboratively with the TIMSS 2023 National Research Coordinators and committees of international experts to update the frameworks for TIMSS 2023.
Chapters 1 and 2 contain the TIMSS 2023 Mathematics and Science Frameworks, respectively. Chapter 3 provides the TIMSS 2023 Context Questionnaire Framework, and Chapter 4 provides an overview of the overall structure and assessment design for TIMSS 2023.
Marking nearly 30 years of trend data on student achievement in mathematics and science, TIMSS 2023 is the eighth cycle of TIMSS. The field test will be conducted in the spring of 2022.